When? Saturday, November 6, 2010. My talk begins at 1:00 p.m., and it will be followed by Questions and Answers!
- If you like the really inspiring things the AAUW does and are considering joining the organization (visit their website here for more information), contact the branch's Secretary, Kathe Bogdan (click here to email her, or call 414-276-6820) to inquire about attending the pre-talk social from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
- If you'd like to join Jane the Phoole and the Milwaukee branch of the AAUW for a luncheon before the talk, contact Kathe (see the previous paragraph) to make a luncheon reservation. Luncheon is from 12:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., and the cost is $15.00 per person, which will be collected at the door.
Where? The Astor Hotel, 924 East Juneau Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202. The luncheon and the talk will be held in one of the two large banquet rooms on the main floor; on the day of the event, signs will guide you to the room.
How Much? The luncheon is $15 - reservations are required (see above). There is no admission charge for the talk!
Wherever Shall I Park? Use the parking for the Astor Hotel. It's gated; you push the button and say, "I'm with AAUW, Apt. 202," and they let you in. There's no fee for parking.
I owe many thanks to Phoole Friend Julie Ferris for arranging this magnificent display of effusion -- she's the chapter's
I'm looking forward to this immensely - it'll be a treat to talk about Jane the Phoole in a slightly-less-distracting environment, and I'll be discussing facets of being a female Elizabethan royal fool that are extremely interesting to me and, I hope, highly amusing to you!
I'm the VP of Programming and President Elect. The Foundations chair handles lots of money--definitely not a job they let me have. ;) Thanks for the shout out, though!
D'oh! http://www.aauw-wi.org/branches/milwaukee has played a joke on me. But see my edit above. Yikes!
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