Friday, January 8, 2010

ISAAC NEWTON IS OUR DJ: A Show I'm In! Sat. Jan. 9 8pm @ MOCT Milwaukee!

Isaac Newton Is Our DJ

I'm suddenly in a show where I'm not wearing 70 lbs of upholstery fabric! Please come check it out. From the Hinterlands' project-fundraiser website, here's information about the mind-blowery:

“Let mortals rejoice that there has existed so great an ornament of the human race.” These are the words inscribed on the tomb of Sir Isaac Newton, and rejoice is exactly what performers Liza Bielby, Brian Moore, and Richard Newman intend to do. **The Hinterlands and ***(con)temporary works exchange are hosting a party in celebration of Sir Isaac Newton, the world’s greatest mind, most notorious alchemist, and worst lover, on his 366th Birthday. It’s a party, a performance, a night where we dare to ask how the world would have been different if Newton had gotten laid.

For those of you in and around the Milwaukee area, we would love to see you at the show, which will be THIS SATURDAY, January 9th, at 8 PM. Please drop us a line— —or give us a call—414.208.4237 to let us know if you'll be coming. Space is limited, so reservations are necessary.

**The Hinterlands are an ensemble of Milwaukee based artists who:
- Create original, multidisciplinary performance works
- Explore the art of the performer through explosive and ecstatic training and play
- Engage their community through direct collaboration and exchange

Our Mission
To create essential, immediate, and visceral performances which propel our audience into a landscape of questions, possibilities, and unknowns. To develop training for the 21st century performer which integrates body and voice, content and form, impulse and technique, technology and tradition. To band together with our community to explore the unmapped regions of our culture, our world, and ourselves: the hinterlands.

***Created in September 2008 by Eleni Zaharopoulos and Liza Bielby, (con)temporary works exchange is a multi-disciplinary arts and performance collective that has dug its roots into a variety of communities across the globe. From found object sculpture to sound poetry to parking lot revivals to surprise kazoo concerts in Shanghai parks, (c)twe strives to create dynamic and unexpected partnerships with publics across social, economic, linguistic, and cultural divides.

Project location: Milwaukee, WI has this article containing more details about the event!

And now The Onion's AV Club covers the piece in this excellent interview with Richard Newman:,36677/

I really hope you can make it! This isn't a Jane the Phoole event -- I'll be appearing as me, club-kid clothes 'n' all -- but it is interactive and environmental, with the emphasis on mental, and it truly is part science experiment, part rave, all manic fun!

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