Friday, May 18, 2007

Jane the Phoole LIVE! Fox6 Milwaukee WakeUp News 5/23

For real! Will I toe the party line or lampoon the politically- connected mega-media megaphone? You only have 3 minutes to find out, and those 3 live interview minutes will happen between 8:15 and 9am on the morning of Wednesday, May 23 on Fox 6 WakeUp News in Milwaukee!

The Mayor of Milwaukee doesn't know Milwaukee has a jester; neither does the Common Council, despite having SIGNED MY DANG PLAQUE. But now everyone else in Milwaukee will know! And won't the Mayor feel unhip and silly not knowing? It's okay. His not-knowing means I can sneak up on him and follow him around making noises with a whoopee cushion.

But Milwaukee people, and people who know Milwaukee people -- let everyone know about it!

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