Monday, December 14, 2009

Views from the Phoole Cube

East Wall Photos and Monkeys, originally uploaded by Phoole.

When people find out that I also have a DayJob, some are disappointed, some encouraged, and some utterly bewildered -- how could I possibly fit in a cubicle? Some glimpses of my 40-hours-per-week grey fabric walls and grey work surfaces can be found in a Flickr set here: .

In the photo above:

Top left photo by Steve Spitzer. Bottom left photos by various photographers, and I wish I knew who they were. Framed photos at right by Carl Jester. Large monkey: gift from delightful woman who was in the Norreys' Household in the Guilde of St. George at the Bristol Renaissance Faire in 2009 whose name I need to look up. Little pipecleaner frond: gift from perfect kind little girl who visited me at Bristol. Gold monkey idol: gift from Raven at Ravenworks. Tiny monkey: gift from hurrsband, out of a gumball machine.

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